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How am I?

By nature, I'm a really messy persons, but I've learned on my own skin that if I follow my nature, it takes 3 times the normal time to do anything. Hence I try to over-plan and to be over-tidy. Not that I always succeed

By reflexes then, I tend to despise everything that is not tidy and, given the time and the opportunity, tend to organize and tidy-up my surroundings.

I don't like to be caught off-guard, I'm the kind of guy that always carries around matches and a lighter, even if I don't smoke.

I hate answers that don't answer anything and peoples that doesn't acknowloedge my existence. In specific, I hate when somebody answer my question with another question. If you don't know the answer, just bloody say it. If you want to be useful say "I don't know, but if you give me a minute I'll look it up"

I am (unfortunately) not foul proof or error-proof. Quite the countrary in fact. I've learned long time ago that I don't know everything, in fact, I know just enough to be dangerous. I'm ready to review my ideas and opinions if you give me enough hard facts, but if you don't want my opinion on something, don't ask 'cause I'm not going to tell you that your idea is great if I don't think so.

What you see is what you get. Sometimes you don't like neither, but that's it with me.

When I'm tired or distracted I tend to get irritated and begin answering with single-syllans words (yes and no, mostly no). Nothing strange with that, give me 5 minutes and I'll get back to normal.

What I really can't stand to

Iditios, politics (every colour), professional sports, peoples that talks continously and always about work. Peoples that prentend to know everything (see "idiots").

What I like

Travel around on my motorbike to see new countries and new places. Have a chat with a friend, watch a good movie (or a totally awful one), Photography and read a good book.

I read something like 100 books per year. Around 2 per week, but I've reached points of 3 per week. I like good sci-fi (modern and classic), adventures and scientific books (Hawkings, Krauss), "historical" books and funny things (Scott Adams).

I like to learn new things (languages, systems, technologies) and I'm not afraid of start from scratch.

In my spare time (when I have some) I maintain a web site dedicated to programming and other stuff.

Contacts: email: davide AT onlyforfun DOT net or davideyeahsure AT gmail DOT com, ICQ: 268751033, Jabber: davideyeahsure AT gmail DOT com Skype: davideyahsure.